Fuck Cancer Necklace

Length: Each chain will adjust between 16-18 inches
Material: 14k gold-filled tag; 14k gold-filled chain

17 years ago my mom died of cancer. A brutally random, generally pediatric form of bone cancer called Ewings sarcoma. My stomach still turns after saying those two ugly words. Over the past 17 years, I have experienced every imaginable emotion. I have been left lonely from the loss of my best friend; devastated over the loss that my children are experiencing yet are unaware of (I was seven weeks pregnant with my first son when she passed) and pissed off that I now have to cook Christmas dinner. I exchanged most of my wedding gifts for shoes. I was never planning on knowing how to cook a roast, or explain to my children "why they can't see God." These were going to be her jobs, not mine. Now, I am a mom of two, and I have shelves of stilettos covered in dust, and I just made Halloween cookies that tasted like chicken because I own only one baking sheet. Life was supposed to be different. Aside from sadness, anger and loneliness, my latest emotion is shame. I am so deeply ashamed that I have hidden behind this veil of sadness and have not done one thing to honor my mom's memory. It has been so difficult to see her picture, or even speak her name, but she deserves better than that, because she was awesome. The type of mom that all of the other kids wished their mom could be just a little bit more like. The type of mom that I will never be, but cling to the hope that I just might because I have a little of her DNA. One thing is for sure - she never served me chicken-flavored halloween cookies. So why am I so publicly sharing this? Because I'm learning that childhood cancer is the number one killler of children. It kills more than asthma, diabetes, cystic fibrosis and pediatric AIDS COMBINED, yet the National Cancer Institute spends less than 3% of it's $4.6 billion budget on pediatric cancer and the National Cancer Society spends less than 70 cents per $100. It's unacceptable. I have already lost one love to pediatric cancer. I cannot loose my two naughty, dirty boys who break windows, run with scissors and refuse to eat their vegetables. That will take me out. Sadly, I know that the boogie man is real. He's already visited me and I'm terrified that he will return. So, to honor my mom, and do my part in the battle against this deadly disease, 100% of the profits from this necklace will be made will be donated toward Pediatric Cancer research and support. I hope you'll check it out.

Necklace Deets:
FUCK CANCER engraved on an 18k gold-filled 21x14mm rectangular tag. 

14K gold filled 16-18 inch adjustable chain.